Arts and Entertainment

Safeguard your arts and entertainment organisation with APCS's comprehensive background check services. Ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and create a safer environment for all involved.
Arts and Entertainment

As an arts and entertainment organisation, you are responsible for creating a safe and secure environment for your performers, crew members, and event attendees. One critical aspect of fulfilling this responsibility is ensuring that you hire trustworthy and reliable individuals. At APCS, we understand the unique challenges faced by the arts and entertainment sector and offer a range of background check services tailored to meet your specific needs.

The Importance of Background Checks in the Arts and Entertainment Sector

The arts and entertainment sector is a vibrant and dynamic industry that thrives on creativity, passion, and collaboration. However, it is also an industry that can be vulnerable to various risks, such as:

  • Safeguarding concerns for performers, especially minors
  • Theft or damage to valuable equipment and props
  • Reputational damage due to employee misconduct
  • Legal liabilities arising from negligent hiring practices

By conducting thorough background checks on your potential employees, you can mitigate these risks and create a safer and more secure working environment for everyone involved.

APCS’s Background Check Services for the Arts and Entertainment Sector

At APCS, we offer a comprehensive range of background check services that cater to the specific needs of the arts and entertainment sector. Our services include:

Basic DBS Checks

A Basic DBS Check is a type of criminal record check that reveals an applicant’s unspent convictions or conditional cautions. This check is available to all job roles and sectors, making it an essential tool for arts and entertainment organisations looking to make informed hiring decisions.

Enhanced DBS Checks

A Enhanced DBS Check provides a more in-depth look into an applicant’s criminal history, revealing all spent and unspent convictions and cautions, along with any additional relevant information held by local police forces. This check is available for job roles that meet DBS eligibility criteria, such as chaperones or individuals teaching children.

Digital Identity Checks

Our Digital Identity Checks provide a fast and secure way to validate your prospective employee’s identity. By leveraging advanced technology, we can quickly and accurately verify an applicant’s identity documents, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring that you are hiring who you think you are.

Digital Right to Work Checks

Verifying an employee’s right to work in the UK is a legal requirement for all employers. Our Digital Right to Work Checks streamline this process, allowing you to quickly and securely verify the eligibility of your employees while ensuring compliance with UK Home Office regulations.

The Benefits of Using APCS for Your Background Checks

By partnering with APCS for your background check needs, you can enjoy a range of benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Safety and Security: Our comprehensive background checks help you identify potential risks and make informed hiring decisions, creating a safer and more secure working environment for your performers, crew members, and event attendees.

  2. Improved Compliance: Our services ensure that you are complying with all relevant laws and regulations, such as the DBS Code of Practice and UK Home Office guidelines, reducing your risk of legal liabilities.

  3. Increased Efficiency: Our streamlined and user-friendly online platform makes it easy for you to request and manage background checks, saving you time and resources.

  4. Expert Support: Our team of experienced professionals is always available to provide guidance and support, ensuring that you get the most out of our services.


In the arts and entertainment sector, safeguarding your organisation and creating a safe and secure environment for all involved is of utmost importance. By partnering with APCS for your background check needs, you can take a proactive approach to risk management and ensure that you are hiring trustworthy and reliable individuals. With our comprehensive range of services, expert support, and commitment to compliance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your organisation is in safe hands.

Don’t leave the safety and security of your arts and entertainment organisation to chance. Partner with APCS today and experience the difference that comprehensive background checks can make.