APCS Registered Customers

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  • I want to know who we’ve previously completed DBS checks on, how do I do this?

    Our online Management Reporting system gives you both an overview of all the applications currently in progress and a record of every application processed with us. The system updates automatically every 15 minutes. Management Reporting provides you with: the user ID (application) numbers, the date the applicant started the application, the date of completion, the date it was ID checked, the date it was processed by us, disclosure date, the disclosure number and issue date. To add, all of this information can be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet with just a few clicks. The Management Report also includes a tracking facility for each application.

    You will need to either create, or log into, your Management Reporting account. You can find the account here. You will require the email address you registered with for your DBS checks and the password. If you cannot remember your password you can reset it via the Forgotten Password feature.

  • I am registered with you but haven’t done any DBS checks for a while, how do I check my staff?

    You need to provide the applicant with a User ID number, this is their unique application number. An application can be created on their behalf with their written consent, or alternatively, you can give the applicant our application portal website here so that they can complete the application themselves. Whomever is registered with us at your company will then receive the link to verify that applicants ID. If you can’t remember where you are up to with your numbers, please call us on 0151 638 6158 or email us here.

  • We have had some changes in our company. How do I change the information APCS have on our account?

    Please email APCS at [email protected] quoting your customer reference number to inform us of any changes that need to be made to your account, for example if you have moved addresses, changed email addresses or changed personnel. Please note, for security reasons, we cannot amend account information over the telephone.

  • Can we change our payment method?

    If you would like to change the way you pay for your DBS checks, we need to review your account first before approving any changes. Please email our enquiries email address quoting your customer account number to request the change of payment method. Within an hour, our processing team will carry out a due diligence assessment on your company, and confirm whether or not your request has been approved.

  • What is a User ID Number?

    This is an application number that is unique to each applicant. It will either be 10 or 12 digits long, and may have a letter at the end of it. Please note not all User ID numbers have letters at the end. The first 4 or 5 digits of the User ID lets us know the application has come from your company.

  • Can I verify my own DBS application, or my relative’s DBS application?

    Unfortunately, no one is allowed to ID check their own DBS application, nor are they allowed to verify a relatives DBS application.

    If you are aware that you will need a DBS check, then you cannot issue yourself with one of your own ID numbers. You must ask someone else in your organisation to verify your application.

    You cannot ID check a relative either. You must ask someone else in your organisation to verify your relative’s application.

    If you are the only registered contact with APCS on your DBS account, then you will need to contact us to add someone else to your account so that they can verify your application, or your relatives’ application.

  • Why are we getting an error message about the applicants’ driving licence number?

    When you enter in an applicants driving licence details, our application form will try to match the details on the driving licence with the applicants current full name.

    Here is an example of a UK driving licence number, as issued by the DVLA:

    MORGA 657054 SM 9IJ **

    The first five characters should be the first five characters of the applicants surname. If the surname has fewer than five letters, the remaining spaces will be made up using the number 9 e.g. MAN99.

    The next 6 numbers should be a jumbled up version of the applicants DOB. The first and last numbers are the year of birth (64 in the example), the second and third numbers are the month of birth. However, if you are a female, the number ‘5’ is added to the second number. The above example shows us that the driving licence has been issued to a woman born in the month of July. The fourth and fifth digits show the day of your birth, the 5th in the above example.

    The following two characters should be the first two initials of the applicants forenames. If you have only one initial, then the second character should be a ‘9’.

    The final three characters are randomly generated letters, followed by the licence issue number ( ** in the example above) which will increase by one with every licence issued. This is not part of the driver number.

    If any of the above details do not match the applicants correct current legal name, you will not be able to proceed with the application form unless you tick that (for the purpose of this criminal record check) the applicant does not have a valid driving licence, and remove all the driving licence details from the ID document page.

  • We made a mistake whilst verifying the applicant’s personal details. Can we change the details on the application form?

    If the DBS application has been completed and disclosed, unfortunately there is no way for us to amend the application, and the Disclosure & Barring Service will not amend the certificate either. You may have to reapply for a new DBS check if the details on the disclosed certificate are incorrect.

    If you have only just submitted the DBS application to us, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know, and we will be able to change the information on the application form before it goes to the Disclosure & Barring Service. Please note, once the application is with the Disclosure & Barring Service there are no guarantees that the information will be amended. It is at the discretion of the Disclosure & Barring Service whether or not the information will be amended, depending on how much information needs to change on the application form.

  • Where can I track the status of an application in progress?

    Please go to the Disclosure & Barring Service website here to track your application. Please note there are two different tracking links; one for basic DBS checks and one for standard and enhanced DBS checks. Please ensure you select the correct link for your check! You will be asked for your DBS application number – which begins with an E – and some further security information such as the applicants DOB.

Employers in the UK

Contact us
  • What are DBS Checks?

    The term “DBS Checks” refers to Criminal Record Checks carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service via DBS registered umbrella bodies.

    There are three levels of check:

    • Basic DBS Check
    • Standard DBS Check
    • Enhanced DBS Check
  • What is the DBS?

    The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is an executive agency of the Home Office and provides access to criminal record information through its checking service via registered umbrella bodies. The DBS helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups. It replaces the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).

    The DBS is responsible for:

    • processing requests for criminal records checks (DBS checks)
    • deciding whether it is appropriate for a person to be placed on or removed from a barred list
    • placing or removing people from the DBS children’s barred list and adults’ barred list for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • What are DBS checks used for?

    Primarily, DBS Checks are used by businesses, companies, recruitment agencies and organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors, to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work that involves children or vulnerable adults.

    However, many companies and organisations are now using DBS checks as an essential part of their recruitment procedure to ensure their current and prospective staff members are of good character.

    DBS Basic Checks are also available to individuals for visa applications, for an application for a personal liquor licence, to check if you have a criminal record, or to provide official evidence that you have a clean record, which is becoming increasingly popular for job applications.

  • Can you request a criminal record check on someone without their consent?

    You may be an employer who wishes to carry out a criminal record check on one of your employees. This includes DBS checks, overseas criminal record checks, Disclosure Scotland or Access NI checks.

    You are allowed to do this on the basis that the criminal record check is only used for the purpose of the applicant’s employment with you. This means you are applying for the criminal record check in order to evaluate your employees’ suitability for the role they are applying to work in (or already work in). If the purpose of the criminal record check request breaks these conditions then unfortunately you would be unlawfully carrying out this check, under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

    It is essential that your employee is made aware that your organisation is going to undertake a criminal record check on them. You must ask for their written consent before you apply for a criminal record check on their behalf. This is often included in the contract of employment signed by the applicant prior to employment. APCS provide a basic consent template that you can edit and use here.

  • How long do DBS checks take?

    Most basic and standard disclosures are completed within one week, although sometimes a particular check may take longer.

    Most enhanced disclosures are completed within two weeks. Enhanced disclosures go through an additional police checking stage. Where local police records contain additional information that might be relevant to the post the applicant is being considered for, the Chief Officer of Police may release information for inclusion in an Enhanced Disclosure. The time taken is dependent on the Chief Officer of Police in a given County (Police Area) to respond to the request for the additional information held on local police records.

  • How can I check the progress of a DBS application?

    Basic Disclosure

    You can track the progress of a Basic Disclosure either:

    On-line here

    by calling the DBS on 0300 0200 190

    Standard or Enhanced Disclosure

    You can track the progress of a Standard or Enhanced Disclosure either:

    On-line through the DBS Tracking service

    by calling the DBS on: 0300 0200 190 pressing options 2 and 2 again

  • What is a disclosure?

    Disclosure means the giving out of information to be in compliance with legal regulations or workplace rules.

    In English and Welsh law, disclosure refers to a process that may form part of legal proceedings, whereby parties inform (“disclose”) to other parties the existence of any relevant documents that are, or have been, in their control.

    A Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) disclosure is an official certificate (sometimes referred to as a document) containing impartial and confidential criminal history information held by the police and government departments.

    After a DBS criminal record check is completed, an official disclosure certificate (sometimes referred to as a disclosure document) is issued by the DBS showing the results of the check.

    Depending on the type of check requested, it may contain details of spent and unspent convictions, reprimands, warnings and where appropriate, local police records.

    If a Disclosure contains no record of criminal convictions it is considered to be a testament to good character and conduct.

  • How long is a disclosure valid?

    Each disclosure or DBS check will show the date on which it was issued, therefore it will show the applicants full criminal record up to and including that date.

    Unless an applicant applies for a new DBS check, or signs up to the DBS Update Service (not applicable for basic DBS checks), the certificate will become more and more unreliable as time goes on.

    A good average renewal time would be every 3 years or when a person changes their employer or job role, however, some organisations have regulations that may require renewals at shorter periods.

  • Can I register my employees on the DBS Update Service?

    The online DBS Update Service is an online subscription service for applicants to keep their DBS certificates up to date. Employers can check the status of DBS certificates online, however they cannot register employees onto the update service on their behalf.

  • Where can I track the status of an application in progress?

    Please go to the Disclosure & Barring Service website here to track your application. Please note there are two different tracking links; one for basic DBS checks and one for standard and enhanced DBS checks. Please ensure you select the correct link for your check! You will be asked for your DBS application number – which begins with an E – and some further security information such as the applicants DOB.

  • Can anyone check a criminal record?

    Criminal record checks must only be requested with the knowledge and consent of the applicant (the subject of the check), and the type of check requested must be correct for the purpose for which it has been requested.

    Employers and agencies can only request a standard or enhanced check on an employee if that person’s job role meets certain criteria.

    Please use our eligibility tool for a quick assessment of whether an employee meets the enhanced criteria here.

  • How can I contact the Disclosure and Barring Service?

    The DBS can be contacted by:

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 0300 0200 190

  • What are Unspent Convictions?

    Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, a conviction becomes spent after a certain period of time. The rehabilitation period varies according to the sentence given, not to the offence committed. The length of time actually served is irrelevant; the rehabilitation period is determined by the original sentence given. Custodial sentences of more than two and a half years (for people living in Scotland) or four years never become spent. Please see the table on this page for more details.

Employees in England or Wales

Contact us
  • What information will I need to provide?

    If your employer would like to carry out a DBS check on your behalf, they will issue you will a Unique User ID application number, and they will ask you to go to our online application form portal here

    The form for asks for the following information:

    • Name and date of birth
    • Any and all previous names that you used
    • Town and country of birth
    • 5 year address history (inclusive of all previous UK and foreign address within 5 years)
    • National Insurance number
    • Passport and driving licence details (if applicable)
    • Mother’s maiden name
    • Contact details

    We will not ask you for your ID documents, instead your employer will ask you to show them your ID documents, either before or after you have filled in our application form.

  • What does a DBS check show?

    Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, a conviction becomes spent after a period of time. The rehabilitation period varies according to the sentence given, not to the offence committed. The length of time actually served is irrelevant; the rehabilitation period is determined by the original sentence given. Custodial sentences of more than two and a half years never become spent. Please see the tables below for more information.

    Basic DBS checks show any unspent convictions the applicant may have within the United Kingdom.What can a basic DBS check be used for? Anybody can apply for a basic DBS and it can be used in a range of sectors. It is most commonly used in the construction, catering, technology, gardening and cleaning industries, for self employed individuals and it is becoming increasingly popular for any job roles that do not meet the eligibility criteria for standard and enhanced disclosures.

  • Who receives a copy of the certificate?

    As the applicant you will receive the physical copy of the DBS certificate in the post. Your employer will receive a notification of the result by email. If you are conducting a Basic DBS check you can request for the certificate to be delivered to an alternative address.

  • How can I track my application?

    How can I track my application?

    Basic Disclosure

    You can track the progress of your Basic Disclosure either:

    • On-line here
    • Or by calling the DBS on: 0300 0200 190

    Standard or Enhanced Disclosure

    You can track the progress of your application either:

    On-line here

    Or by calling the DBS on: 0300 0200 190

  • Is my employer allowed to keep my certificate?

    Once your application has been completed and disclosed, your employer may ask to view your certificate. As the certificate is your property, they can only keep the certificate with your permission. If the organisation requesting the check is regulated by CSSIW, Ofsted or a registered care home inspected by the CQC they may legally be entitled to retain the certificate for the purposes of an inspection.

  • Who pays for the DBS check?

    Payment for the DBS check will depend upon the option selected by the company/organisation requesting the check. If payment is requested at the end of the application form, then the company account has been set up for you as the applicant to pay. If no payment is requested after completion of the application form, your employer has opted to pay for the DBS checks.

  • I did not receive my certificate. Can I request another copy?

    If you have not received your DBS certificate 14 days after the issue date, you can request a reprint within 93 days of the certificate issue date. Please note the that address you request the reprint to be sent to must match the current address on the application form.

    A reprint can be requested from the DBS directly online here .

  • I have lost/accidentally damaged my DBS certificate, can I get a new copy?

    Unfortunately, the DBS cannot replace lost/damaged DBS certificates. You will need to reapply for a new DBS check if you wish to receive a new certificate.

Individuals who are living in Scotland (or overseas)

Contact us
  • I am self-employed, can I conduct a DBS check on myself?

    If you are self-employed, you are not allowed to conduct a standard or enhanced DBS check on yourself. You would need to either register with a recruitment agency, or apply for a role through an employer who would be allowed to undertake the standard or enhanced DBS check on your behalf.

    If you are living in Scotland or overseas, you can apply for a basic criminal record check with APCS here.

    If you are living in England or Wales, you can register for a basic criminal record check through the Disclosure & Barring Service directly here.

  • What information will I need to provide?

    Our individual application form is for individuals living in Scotland or overseas only.

    The form for asks for the following information:

    • Name and date of birth
    • Town and country of birth
    • 5year address history (inclusive of all previous UK and foreign address within 5 years)
    • National Insurance number
    • Passport and driving licence details (if applicable)
    • Mother’s maiden name

    You will also be asked to email a copy of your passport/driving licence and confirmation of your current address to [email protected]

  • How can I contact Disclosure Scotland?

    Disclosure Scotland can be contacted by:

  • Will I need an apostille for my criminal record check?

    It is important for you to check the exact requirements of the authority, agent or employer in the country you are dealing with whether you need your criminal record check certificate certified by a solicitor or by a notary, prior to APCS sending the certificate to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) for the Apostille certificate. APCS will not be able to advise you of the exact requirements unfortunately.