
Ensure the safety and compliance of your transport staff with APCS's comprehensive background checks. From DBS checks to digital identity verification, our services help you make informed recruitment decisions and mitigate risk.

The transport sector plays a vital role in keeping our society moving, from buses and trains to airports and delivery services. With millions of people relying on these services every day, it is crucial that the staff employed in this industry are reliable, trustworthy, and compliant with relevant regulations. This is where comprehensive background checks come in.

At APCS, we understand the unique challenges faced by organisations in the transport sector when it comes to recruiting staff. You need to ensure that your employees have the necessary qualifications, are fit to work, and do not pose any risk to the safety of passengers or the general public. Our range of specialised background checks can help you achieve this goal.

DBS Checks for Transport Staff

One of the most important checks for the transport sector is the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. This check reveals any criminal convictions or cautions that an applicant may have. There are different levels of DBS checks available, depending on the specific role and level of responsibility:

  • Basic DBS Check: This check shows any unspent convictions or conditional cautions. It is available for all job roles and sectors, even those that do not usually require a DBS check. This can be a useful tool for entry-level positions or roles with limited public interaction.

  • Standard DBS Check: A Standard check reveals all spent and unspent convictions and cautions. This level of check is available for specific job roles and must meet DBS eligibility criteria. It can help you determine if an individual is suitable to work in a particular role within the transport industry.

  • Enhanced DBS Check: An Enhanced check is the highest level of DBS check and is suitable for roles that involve working with children or vulnerable adults. While this may not be relevant for most transport sector roles, it could be necessary for positions such as school bus drivers or those providing transport services for care homes.

By conducting the appropriate level of DBS check for each role, you can ensure that your staff meet the necessary standards of safety and trustworthiness.

Digital Identity Checks for Efficient Onboarding

In addition to DBS checks, digital identity checks can streamline your recruitment process and provide an extra layer of security. Our Digital Identity Checks allow applicants to upload their identity documents via smartphone, which are then checked against biometric data to confirm their authenticity. This eliminates the risk of forged documents and provides a faster, more secure way to verify an applicant’s identity.

Right to Work Checks for Compliance

Ensuring that your employees have the legal right to work in the UK is a crucial part of compliance for the transport sector. Our Digital Right to Work Checks simplify this process, allowing you to verify the eligibility of employees quickly and securely. This innovative solution is fully compliant with UK Home Office regulations and eliminates the need for manual document checks for UK and Irish citizens.

The Benefits of Comprehensive Background Checks

By utilising the range of background checks offered by APCS, organisations in the transport sector can enjoy numerous benefits:

  • Reduced Risk: Comprehensive background checks help to identify any potential red flags in an applicant’s history, reducing the risk of employing individuals who may pose a threat to safety or compliance.

  • Improved Compliance: By ensuring that your staff meet the necessary criteria for their roles, you can demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.

  • Enhanced Reputation: Employing staff who have been thoroughly vetted can enhance your organisation’s reputation, instilling confidence in your passengers and stakeholders.

  • Streamlined Recruitment: Digital identity and right to work checks can speed up the recruitment process, allowing you to onboard new staff efficiently without compromising on security.

Choosing the Right Background Check Provider

When it comes to background checks for the transport sector, it is essential to choose a provider that understands the unique needs and challenges of your industry. At APCS, we have extensive experience working with organisations in the transport sector, from bus and coach companies to airports and logistics firms.

Our team of experts can guide you through the process of selecting the right checks for your specific roles, ensuring that you are fully compliant with all relevant regulations. We pride ourselves on our fast, efficient, and secure service, delivering the information you need to make informed recruitment decisions.


In the transport sector, the safety and security of passengers and the general public are paramount. By investing in comprehensive background checks for your staff, you can ensure that your organisation is meeting the highest standards of safety, compliance, and trustworthiness.

At APCS, we are committed to helping transport sector organisations navigate the complex world of background checks. With our range of specialised services, from DBS checks to digital identity and right to work verification, we can provide the tools you need to make informed recruitment decisions and mitigate risk.

Don’t leave the safety and reputation of your organisation to chance. Partner with APCS for all your transport sector background check needs and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your staff have been thoroughly vetted.