2018 in review

December 24, 2018

In 2017 APCS was nominated for the FSB Merseyside, West Cheshire & Wigan Business Award for Professional Services Business of the Year, which we won! Here’s what the judges had to say about us: ‘The judges were impressed with the challenges that Access Personal Checking Services have successfully overcome. They have a great approach to…

In 2017 APCS was nominated for the FSB Merseyside, West Cheshire & Wigan Business Award for Professional Services Business of the Year, which we won! Here’s what the judges had to say about us: ‘The judges were impressed with the challenges that Access Personal Checking Services have successfully overcome. They have a great approach to staff training and development and provided good explanations of how their company maximized opportunities’

Following our success at the awards in December, we were then nominated in the March 2018 North West Region Awards in Blackburn for Business & Product Innovation. We were delighted to win this award which reflects the hard work that has gone into building our bespoke online system; it enables our client base of over 10,000 companies to process DBS applications online in a timely and cost-effective way; as well as helping our clients to improve their recruitment procedures.

We have continually innovated our systems and processes to accommodate for the increasing number of service users, incorporating automation where possible. Our systems link directly with the DBS enabling data to be transferred quickly and effectively – minimising errors or queries.

APCS were vital in testing and implementing the new DBS online basic disclosure service. We worked closely with the DBS to ensure their online service was fully tested and operational; the DBS acknowledging our efforts in their October 2017 newsletter.  We were proud to be the first Responsible Body to process an online DBS basic disclosure through the new system.

Having won the ‘Business and Product Innovation award’ in the regional finals, we were asked to attend the national finals in London. It was an honour to be nominated against such strong competition and we felt it emphasised how much we had achieved this year.

Finally, we were nominated for ‘Best Enterprising Business’ at the National SME awards in Wembley. We were thrilled to be given such a nomination and felt it reflected our continued focus on developing and enhancing our product to match our customer’s needs.

We would like to thank the FSB and SME for these awards and nominations and for their continued support of APCS. We are extremely proud of our achievements and hope to continue this in the new year having already been nominated for FSB Microbusiness of the Year in the North West.

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